Thank you for addressing TLT in the 10/4 NFP update. It was my primary concern … but I also didn’t want to “sell low” only to see it finally rebound in a couple weeks or something.
It appeared to me the Fed acted politically, cutting hard while raising the long run rate. NFP numbers appear to confirm that reinflation risk is still high.
3 Responses
Very impressive advisement this time. All my orders filled today. When will we be learning to do 74-76 minute put calendar spreads?
Thank you for addressing TLT in the 10/4 NFP update. It was my primary concern … but I also didn’t want to “sell low” only to see it finally rebound in a couple weeks or something.
It appeared to me the Fed acted politically, cutting hard while raising the long run rate. NFP numbers appear to confirm that reinflation risk is still high.