How the 2 Gray Beards Account is Run

 What we offer after each episode, which we try to keep to a minimum, really, if we’ve got nothing to say, we’ll say we have nothing to say. Nothing’s happening in the markets, or nothing will happen in the markets next week, which would make us change our mind. We try to save you. Time and we try to be as succinct as possible while not being so succinct that you don’t understand what we are saying and what we’re trying to explain to you.

We’re trying to balance it to no more than 20 minutes, and then what we do is we publish an Excel file after each episode with the exact allocations that we have, and also the broker statement for the account that we are running. I think it’s very important. What we do is we never trade without telling you in advance.

So either we will publish the orders that we are entering and the reasons why we are entering them during the video. We say we don’t know which way the market’s gonna go. We think there’s gonna be a very important event coming up. We explain the event, we explain our triggers, and then we say, as soon as it triggers, we will send you an email and tell you exactly what to do.

And we naturally copy it. I dunno of anyone else who does that. The reason we do this is because this is what I would like to see from someone who is giving me advice. A, I would like to see that he’s following the advice and B, He’s not front running me or anything like that. Now, I know that front running a $250,000 account is not really an issue.

I just thought that as a professional, this is what I would want to see.

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