Time Stamps
What Happened Last Week – 00:10
What’s Happening Next Week – 6:42
Nick’s Update – 11:59

6 Responses

  1. Nick, I’m very interested in a transfer from FRNs to 2y at 5% (I have some, but very little), but I wonder how confident you are that we may get it. I ask this because even though I would jump in at 5% right away, possibly even levered, if I see 4.9ish it might be worth getting in, just in case we don’t revisit 5%. What do you think? Thanks.

  2. Clear overview gentlemen, thanks.

    Last week I believe you had mentioned intending to increase XLK beyond the 5% to 10%. Is that still something you intend to do, perhaps on modestly weak NVDA earnings?

    1. Yes, seems foolhardy to do it in front of NVDA, but after it is something we will think about. Maybe even sell out the options and rejig the whole equity side. I view XLK and QQQ, to a lesser extent, as something you must have/hold as an insurance policy for any new tech trend. Any new market trend is likeliest to come from tech…so…

      1. Understood. Your point about tech being most insulated from an economic slowdown is well noted as they have great pricing power. Looking forward to your next note. Have a good weekend!

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