WEEK 47 2023November18

Time Stamps
What Happened Last Week – 00:12
What’s Happening Next Week – 02:38
Nick’s Update – 08:56

3 Responses

  1. When I click on the watchlist, https://www.tradingview.com/x/Ma4f3Kra/, I get your list of 58 symbols and ratios, but no charts. When I click on the individual links, for example SPY https://www.tradingview.com/x/gLfCqx4M/, I get a chart that was published on September 9. The highest level is a dashed blue line at 422.46. For QQQ, https://www.tradingview.com/x/Ma4f3Kra/, again, published September 9, with the highest level at 364.36. I don’t think these charts are updating based upon your latest work. They just seem to be snapshots. I can manually type in the levels into my own charts, but I am wondering if those have been updated as well.

    1. Ah…I logged into TradingView on a different PC and I see what you mean.

      First of all, download the desktop version of TradingView, That is a must.

      Then let’s see if this works:
      1. Follow this link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/Fsths0s3/
      2. Choose “Asset Allocation 2GB” in the drop down menu In bold.
      3. You should be able to then click on each individual chart and see my levels too.
      Please come back to e if it works, in which case I will fix it for everyone next week. If not, I will have to contact TradingView Help to see what we can do…

      1. Thanks Nick, I downloaded the desktop app.
        1. The new link works! It is US02Y. I can zoom and pan the time and level, which is better than the other charts (the old once seem to just be pngs)
        2. I do not see a drop down menu in bold with “Asset Allocation 2GB” as an option. I have my own lists on the right, with a drop down menu to select between them.
        3. I cannot access the Asset Allocation 2GB watchlist from https://www.tradingview.com/chart/Fsths0s3/ but I can open the watchlist link https://www.tradingview.com/watchlists/99236246/ in the desktop app. I still can’t access the charts with your levels from there though. The symbols are listed, but the only chart is the Compare symbols chart at the bottom. No levels.

        Like I said, the chart in 1 works, and it seems like it will add bars as time progresses. You may need to republish if you add levels though.

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